Nodejs Skaffold local development to prod process


New to container and kubernetes.

I'm trying to set thing up so we have the parity of the local development all the way through prod.

Skaffold seems to be a good way to do this but I'm confused by a few small pieces of the examples and 'ideal workflow'


The dockerfile they give uses nodemon. Wouldn't this same container be used in prod? Wouldn't it be bad to be running nodemon in prod?

How do I set up a kubernetes local development environment with live file sync and use the same resources (in order to have idempotency) for production?

-- JonathanW

1 Answer


You are absolutely right. Using nodemon in a production container is not recommended. Instead, you generally want different images or different entrypoints for dev vs staging vs production. There are two options to solve this:

1. Multiple Dockerfiles
You can configure profiles in Skaffold and tell Skaffold to use a different Dockerfile during the build step:

2. Single Dockerfile + Dev Overrides
If you do not want to manage multiple Dockerfiles, you could use a dev tool that supports dev overrides. DevSpace ( for example differentiates between devspace deploy and devspace dev which applies certain overrides, e.g. overriding the entrypoint of the image. In this case you could specify 2 npm scrips in your package.json and start dev mode with the entrypoint npm start dev and the production mode using npm start.

-- LukasGentele
Source: StackOverflow