Problems with k8s service after few minutes


we started a redis chart (bitnami's redis helm, cluster mode disabled) and connected our java app (using redisson) to the service.

After 5 minutes the connection to the redis is closed ("Reading from client: Connection reset by peer in redis debug log"). (The networking still seems fine, and we can establish new connections, but the old ones are closed and redis conf timeout is 0)

When configuring the Java to access directly to the redis pod (without the k8s service in the middle), the problem doesn't happen.

We didn't find any similar problem on the web, which is weird (pretty out of the box settings, nothing special).

We have no idea what can cause such problems, any ideas?

Kuberenets version 1.11.7 installed on AWS via kops, we tried Kubenet cluster and new calico-flannel (canal) cluster (without policies) and switching redis versions (4 and 5), and accessing the service by IP/name but it didn't help. redis timeout is 0 (disabled)

Bitnami's helm chart using usePassword: false and loglevel debug.

-- Nir Rosenthal

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