Why does my Dask client show zero workers, cores, and memory?


I'm using Dask deployed using Helm on a Kubernetes cluster in Kubernetes Engine on GCP. My current cluster set up has 5 nodes with each node having 8 cpus, 30 gb:

I ran the notebook named 05-nyc-taxi.ipynb, which resulted in workers getting killed.

When I restarted the Dask client it shows that I now have zero workers and zero memory:

enter image description here

However, when I run kubectl get services and kubectl get pods, it shows that my pods and services are running:

enter image description here

Any idea why this might be the case?

-- PollPenn

1 Answer


When you restart the client, is kills all the workers, and starts making new ones. That process is asynchronous, but the rendering of the client object happens immediately - so there are no workers at that moment. You could render the client object again (and again) later:

In[]:  client

Or check the dashboard.

Or, better, you could render the cluster object itself which, so long as you have jupyter widgets installed in the environment, will update itself in real-time. If you didn't happen to assign your cluster object before, it will also be available as client.cluster.

btw: why are you having to restart the cluster like this?

-- mdurant
Source: StackOverflow