Performance issues of containers in kubernetes pods


We are trying to setup scalable jenkins on a kubernetes cluster to build and deploy our app. Able to successfully scale jenkins slaves using kubernetes on a Dev Machine(Spec: CentoOS 7, 12 cpu/core, 16G).

However Application build time is being effected drastically. Time taken to build an application on a debian docker image is 1.5hrs on a CentOS host. Whereas building the same application on the same image inside a slave pod takes ~5hrs.

Tried setting the CPU/Mem (limits, requests) on the slave pod and also tried setting multiple default values in limitrange. but it has no effect on build time.

What are we missing?

minikube node capacity

 cpu:     10
 memory:  9206328Ki
 pods:    110
 cpu:     10
 memory:  9103928Ki
 pods:    110

Jenkins pipeline code

def label = "slave-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}"

podTemplate(label: label, containers: [
  containerTemplate(name: 'todebian', 
                    image: '', 
                    command: 'cat', 
                    ttyEnabled: true,
                    resourceRequestCpu: '2',
                    resourceLimitCpu: '3',
                    resourceRequestMemory: '1024Mi',
                    resourceLimitMemory: '2048Mi')
volumes: [
  hostPathVolume(mountPath: '/workspace', hostPath: '/hosthome/workspace_linux1')
]) {
  node(label) {
        sh """
           cd /workspace

Please help me in troubleshooting.

-- JimK

1 Answer


Your problem may be exactly in using Minikube that uses full-blown virtualization. My suggestion for you would be to setup single master cluster to get native performance and get rid of minikube. As per experience - using this approach can dramatically increase performance.

-- VKR
Source: StackOverflow