Unable to open the kubernetes dashboard in Azure Kubernetes Service


I created kubernetes cluster in my Azure resource group using Azure Kubernetes Service and login into cluster with the help of resource group credentials through Azure CLI. I could opened the kubernetes dashboard successfully for the first time. After that i deleted my resource group and other resource groups which are defaultly created along with kubernetes cluster. I created resource group and kubernetes cluster one more time in my azure account. i am trying to open the kubernetes dashboard next time, getting error like 8001 port not open. I tried with proxy port-forwarding, but i don't have idea how to hit the dashboard url with different port?.

Could anybody suggest me how to resolve this issue?

-- gayathri

1 Answer


I think you need to delete your kubernetes config and pull new one with az aks get-credentials or whatever you are using, because you are probably still using config from the previous cluster (hint: it wont work because its a different cluster).

you can do that by deleting this file: ~/.kube/config and pull the new one and try kubectl get nodes. if that works try the port-forward. It is not port related. something is wrong with your config\az cli

ok, I recall in the previous question you mentioned you started using RBAC, you need to add cluster role to the dashboard:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding kubernetes-dashboard --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:kubernetes-dashboard


-- 4c74356b41
Source: StackOverflow