Having experimented with Azure Dev Spaces, running azds ip
from visual studio works fine - a public URL is generated (in the format http://xxxdemoappcore.rxxxxxxn.weu.azds.io/) and a tunnel to localhost is also created.
I not want to make use of Azure Dev Spaces in the CI/CD pipeline. I've just set up deployment of a .NET core web application via Azure Pipelines CI/CD with Azure Dev Spaces, following this tutorial to the letter.
Use CI/CD with Azure Dev Spaces https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/dev-spaces/how-to/setup-cicd
After the helm upgrade in the Release task, the following output is generated:
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8525110Z ##[section]Starting: helm upgrade xxxdemoappcore
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8531800Z ==============================================================================
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8531952Z Task : Package and deploy Helm charts
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8532015Z Description : Deploy, configure, update your Kubernetes cluster in Azure Container Service by running helm commands.
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8532120Z Version : 0.138.15
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8532164Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8532422Z Help : [More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)
2019-03-03T10:28:41.8532483Z ==============================================================================
2019-03-03T10:28:44.0765885Z [command]/opt/hostedtoolcache/helm/2.13.0/x64/linux-amd64/helm upgrade --namespace dev-spaces --install --force --set image.repository=xxxdemocontainers.azurecr.io/xxxdemoappcore,image.tag=4518,ingress.hosts[0]=dev-spaces.xxxdemoappcore.b0ada56739xxxxc79d0a.westeurope.aksapp.io --wait xxxdemoappcore-dev-spaces /home/vsts/work/r1/a/drop/xxxdemoappcore/chart
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3563764Z Release "xxxdemoappcore-dev-spaces" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3564495Z LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Mar 3 10:28:43 2019
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3565059Z NAMESPACE: dev-spaces
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3565364Z STATUS: DEPLOYED
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3565805Z RESOURCES:
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3566010Z ==> v1/Pod(related)
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3566261Z NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3567019Z xxxdemoappcore-66c677db44-c2x59 2/2 Running 0 77m
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3567451Z ==> v1/Service
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3568098Z xxxdemoappcoreClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 152m
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3568443Z ==> v1beta1/Ingress
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3568645Z NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3569110Z xxxdemoappcoredev-spaces.xxxdemowebappcore.b0ada56739xxxxc79d0a.westeurope.aksapp.io 80 152m
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3569494Z ==> v1beta2/Deployment
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3569878Z NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3570104Z xxxdemoappcore1/1 1 1 152m
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3570594Z NOTES:
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3570804Z 1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3571184Z http://dev-spaces.xxxdemoappcore.b0ada56739xxxxc79d0a.westeurope.aksapp.io/
2019-03-03T10:28:47.3597040Z ##[section]Finishing: helm upgrade xxxdemoappcore
The URL http://dev-spaces.xxxdemoappcore.b0ada56739xxxxc79d0a.westeurope.aksapp.io/ cannot resolve DNS.
Can anything be determined by the output above or any additional logs as to why the public URL can not be resolved?
Why is the URL different when generated from CI/CD compared with azds up
from local?
From official documentation:
When you run the prep command, you have the option of specifying the --public flag. This flag tells the controller to create an internet-accessible endpoint for this service
azds up expands the DNS name (value of Ingress.hosts) based on default azds.yaml file template, which in case of Windows, can be found here:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Azure Dev Spaces CLI (Preview)\InitTemplates\azds.yaml.generic"
It can be still modified in your workspace`s azds.yaml file directly.