Helm Charts : XOR on string


I'm trying to build a Helm Chart. There's a value (db.password) that sometimes should be passed as plain text, and other times as XOR+Base64.

I don't want to set two values, one for plain and another for encoded password, so I was trying do code a template function to do the encoding. Since sprigs already has base64 encoding, I've figured all I'd have to do was a XOR function... I already have a shell script for that, how hard could it be to port it to my template right?

I'm trying to iterate throught every charater of the string and XORing it:

{{- define "encrypt.decrypt" -}}
{{- $key := 95 -}}
{{- range $k,$v := splitList "" .password }}
{{- printf "%s"  (add (atoi (quote $v)) $key | toString) -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

And then I'd call it like that:

{{include "encrypt.decrypt" (dict "Values" .Values "password" .Values.db.password) }}

But all it does is print is 95 a lot of times. The convertion of an non-numeric character to int is not working and defaulting to 0.

atoi (quote $v)) is just returning 0.

-- Daniel Stolf

1 Answer


I suspect you need a couple of pieces that aren't in either the core text/template functionality or Sprig and this turns out to not be reasonably possible.

The two big shortcomings I see:

  • splitList "" .password produces a list of single-character strings. That's useful, but there's no way to further reduce that to a list of Unicode code point values. Of note atoi $v will try to read a string as a number; it would understand the string "17" but doesn't know that "a" should become 97.

  • The only arithmetic functions available come from Sprig but those don't include any bitwise operations.

If you're only dealing with printable ASCII, one hacky thing you could do is build a static map from each character to its XOR:

{{- $xorMap := dict "!" "~" "~" "!"
                    "\"" "{" "{" "\""
                    "#" "|" "|" "#" ... -}}

Then inside your range loop, index each character into this lookup map. If you have another way to validate the obfuscation, it's worth double-checking this (via helm template, for example).

If you already have a shell script that can do this it might be easier to configure the Docker container that eventually gets run to do this at startup time.

-- David Maze
Source: StackOverflow