Kubernetes pods in pending state for indfinite time..?


I'm using digital ocean kubernetes cluster service and have deployed 9 nodes in cluster but when i'm trying to deploy kafka zookeeper pods few pods get deployed other remain in pending state. i've tried doing

kubectl describe pods podname -n namespace 

it shows enter image description here

its not getting assigned to any nodes enter image description here

-- mohammed

1 Answer


check if your deployment/statefulset might have some node Selectors and/or node/pod affinity that might prevent it from running .

also it would be helpful to see more parts of the pod decribe since it might give more details.

there is a message on your print screen about the PersistentVolume Claims so I would also check the status of the pvc objects to check if they are bound or not.

good luck

-- eran meiri
Source: StackOverflow