Kubernetes / Docker application dependency patterns


My project has an application server and a C++ library. The library is not dependent on the application server. The vendor has a Docker image for the application server. I need to deploy a C++ library that needs to be accessible from each of the application server nodes/pods.

I've written a Dockerfile that builds on the vendors image, compiling and copying the libraries into place. It works, however, every time there's a new version of the application server I need to build my C++ library again from scratch. Given the lack of dependencies these doesn't seem optimal.

Naively, what I was expecting was to be able to build the C++ library into an "empty" image and mount that (like a filesystem) in each pod. That way the server and the library are maintained separately.

Is building on the vendor Dockerfile the "right" way to architect this? Or is there a solution more like my "idealised" vision?

I expect the answer is obvious and I just need the right terminology to search for... pointers very much appreciated.

-- Stephen Darlington

2 Answers


Using Kubernetes you have at least two options to manage the library separately from container image:

  1. Init containers. If you put your library to external resource you can use Init container to download it and put inside the application server's pod file system.
  2. Volumes. You can also put the library to a network storage and attach it as a volume in ReadOnlyMany access mode to the application server pods.
-- VAS
Source: StackOverflow


As you said you can build the C++ library into an "empty" image. And for all the deployments you can use this as base image. This way you can avoid building library for every deployment.

Ex: Build image with C++ Library. Lets call this lib-img. When vendor is building image, vendor can use lib-img as base image, you can also add additional dependencies to lib-img which are needed by vendor.

You can also use init containers to pull the library on the pods.

-- Ankit Deshpande
Source: StackOverflow