Outbound https proxy sidecar


Let's say I have a Kubernetes Job that makes https requests to changing URLs and I want to allow specific URLs only and block all other requests. My idea is deploy an Https-Proxy-Pod and use NetworkPolicies to make sure the Job-Pod can only communicate with the Https-Proxy-Pod. See following sketch for better understanding: sketch of https-proxy sidecar deployment

I know how to do that but have no idea what Https Proxy to use. As far as I understood envoy is not a suitable solution for what I want to do: https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/1606

Does anyone has a better solution or can tell me which proxy to use?

-- rabenhorst

1 Answer


Mitmproxy is an open source tool that you can use to filter HTTP and HTTPS requests transparently using the Python scripting language.

There's also a quite detailed tutorial on how to use it

-- A_Suh
Source: StackOverflow