how to install kubernetes package in minidcos CLI


I'm trying to install kubernetes in minidcos.

in dcos, there is cli command dcos package install to install a specific package as here.

But minidcos doesn't have minidcos docker package install or minidcos package install as

I'm able to install kubernetes using DCOS UI catalog.

how can I install kubernetes in minidcos CLI?

-- Rajkumar Natarajan

2 Answers


As Brom said, to install a package on DC/OS and minidcos you can and should use the DC/OS CLI.

For example, for a DC/OS Open Source 1.12 cluster, you might run the following to install the DC/OS CLI

curl -o dcos
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dcos
sudo mv dcos /usr/local/bin

Then use minidcos docker inspect to find the web address of the cluster. Then use dcos cluster setup for example to set up the CLI.

That said, Kubernetes is not fully supported yet on minidcos. There is work in progress for this, which can be tracked at That issue documents a workaround for a known issue. In particular, it documents the following commands:

dcos task exec -ti kube-node-0-kubelet mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
dcos task exec -ti kube-node-0-kubelet mount -t cgroup -o none,name=systemd cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
dcos task exec -ti kube-control-plane-0-instance mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
dcos task exec -ti kube-control-plane-0-instance mount -t cgroup -o none,name=systemd cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd

These can be adapted to your kubelet and control plane names. These are set to work with the MKE setup documented at

-- Adam Dangoor
Source: StackOverflow


minidcos is the tool for creating the local DC/OS cluster. Once the cluster is running, you need to use the usual dcos cli. If you did not already install it, there are instructions within the DC/OS UI.
minidcos is not a substitute for dcos.

-- Alwinius
Source: StackOverflow