Is it possible to join the kubernetes worker node to kubernetes master without enabling ssh


I am installing kubernetes cluster on bare metal. One of the Prerequisites An SSH key pair on your local linux machines. This ssh key pair is used to join the worker node with master.

Is it possible to join the kubernetes worker node to kubernetes master without enabling ssh?

-- Sunil Gajula

1 Answer


Well, SSH is required only, if you want to control all nodes from a single machine actually.
I mean here operations like transferring all binaries/config files/certs required by minions.

If you want to setup Kubernetes cluster in really hard way, without SSH protocol part, you need to find a way (alternative to SSH) to be able to run on each worker node a similar command* to this (assuming the rest of prerequisites are already in place):

kubeadm join –discovery-token abcdef.1234567890abcdef

*I'm assuming you are bootsraping your cluster with kubeadm, if not please check this tutorial.

-- Nepomucen
Source: StackOverflow