Rabbitmq-ha helm chart, management plugin throwing error


I have deployed the rabbitmq-ha chart to kubernetes, then used kubectl port-forwarding to access the management ui. I can log in, but I dont see any data in the ui, some tabs are showing the error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined at Array.process (eval at compile (http://localhost:15672/js/ejs-1.0.min.js:1:6654), :100:139) at EJS.render (http://localhost:15672/js/ejs-1.0.min.js:1:1885) at format (http://localhost:15672/js/main.js:1086:21) at http://localhost:15672/js/main.js:444:24 at with_reqs (http://localhost:15672/js/main.js:1068:9) at http://localhost:15672/js/main.js:1064:17 at XMLHttpRequest.req.onreadystatechange (http://localhost:15672/js/main.js:1144:17)


I have deployed in the following way. I have a chart with a single requirement, rabbitmq.

I run the commands

$ helm dependency build ./rabbitmq
$ helm template --namespace rabbitmq-test --name rabbitmq-test . --output-dir ./output
$ kubectl apply -n rabbitmq-test -Rf ./output


apiVersion: v1
appVersion: "1.0"
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
name: rabbitmq-ha
version: 0.1.0


  - name: rabbitmq-ha
    version: 1.19.0
    repository: https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com

/rabbitmq/values.yaml (default settings from github, indented under rabbitmq-ha

  ## RabbitMQ application credentials
  ## Ref: http://rabbitmq.com/access-control.html
  rabbitmqUsername: guest
  # rabbitmqPassword:


Everything appears to deploy correctly, I see no errors, I can enter the pod and use rabbitmqctl, the node_health_check command is successful, I can create queues etc.

To access management ui I run the command

kubectl port-forward -n rabbitmq-test rabbitmq-test-rabbitmq-ha-0 15672:15672

Then visit localhost:15672 and log in.

enter image description here

-- Eamonn McEvoy

1 Answer


Which username are you logging in with? The helm values define application and management credentials. I had the same errors when logging in using the management user, that user only has permission for health checks etc. You need to login with the guest user


## RabbitMQ application credentials
## Ref: http://rabbitmq.com/access-control.html
rabbitmqUsername: guest
# rabbitmqPassword:

## RabbitMQ Management user used for health checks
managementUsername: management
managementPassword: E9R3fjZm4ejFkVFE
-- Craig Mellon
Source: StackOverflow