I have couple of different contexts with namespaces defined within my k8s cluster. Using different pipelines for Jenkins I'd like to switch between them. Idea is: based on git branch to do a deployment to specific environment. In order to do that I'd have to switch to existing production/dev/feature contexts and namespaces.
I want to use https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Kubernetes+Cli+Plugin This is an example syntax for Jenkins scripted piepline:
node {
stage('List pods') {
withKubeConfig([credentialsId: '<credential-id>',
caCertificate: '<ca-certificate>',
serverUrl: '<api-server-address>',
contextName: '<context-name>',
clusterName: '<cluster-name>'
]) {
sh 'kubectl get pods'
And as you can see it does not accept anything for namespace
This is an example production context with namespace, which I'm using:
$ kubectl config get-contexts
* aws-production cluster.example.com cluster.example.com aws-production
And this is a result of running that step:
How to resolve that issue? Is it possible to use namespaces using mentioned plugin at all? If not is there an alternative way to achieve context+namespace switch during Jenkins pipeline step?
EDIT: Seems that adding entry to .kube/config on Jenkins machine doesn't help for that issue. This plugin kubernetes-cli
for Jenkins creates isolated context and does not care much about .kube/config :(
Manually forcing a config, doesn't help in this case too;
kubectl config use-context aws-production --namespace=aws-production --kubeconfig=/home/jenkins/.kube/config
The plugin doesn't have a namespace
parameter but the ~/.kube/config
does. So you could create 2 contexts to handle the two different namespaces. In your ~/.kube/config`
- context:
cluster: k8s.mycluster
namespace: mynamespace1
user: k8s.user
name: clusternamespace1
- context:
cluster: k8s.mycluster
namespace: mynamespace2
user: k8s.user
name: clusternamespace2
Thanks to help from official Jenkins IRC channel, solution below.
Solution: You have to pass raw .kube/config file as a credentialsId
fieldwithKubeConfig([credentialsId: 'file-aws-config'
, [..]]) ...