Scaling with kubespray scale.yml fails "Failed to connect host via ssh"


Kubespray cluster.yml - works fine with the below command.

command used:

ansible-playbook -b cluster.yml -i inventory/sample/hosts.ini -e kube_version=v1.13.2 -vvv

But scaling fails with below message .. ie waiting for kubelet.conf file to create.

(1, '\n{"msg": "Timeout when waiting for file /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf", "failed": true, "exception": "WARNING: The below traceback may *not* be related to the actual failure.\\n  File \\"/tmp/ansible_wait_for_payload_DaSEDY/\\", line 517, in main\\n    os.stat(path)\\n", "elapsed": 600, "invocation": {"module_args": {"active_connection_states": ["ESTABLISHED", "FIN_WAIT1", "FIN_WAIT2", "SYN_RECV", "SYN_SENT", "TIME_WAIT"], "state": "started", "connect_timeout": 5, "delay": 1, "msg": null, "host": "", "sleep": 1, "timeout": 600, "exclude_hosts": null, "search_regex": null, "path": "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf", "port": null}}}\n', '')
<> Failed to connect to the host via ssh:
The full traceback is:
WARNING: The below traceback may *not* be related to the actual failure.
  File "/tmp/ansible_wait_for_payload_DaSEDY/", line 517, in main

fatal: [cuber6]: FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "elapsed": 600,
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "active_connection_states": [
            "connect_timeout": 5,
            "delay": 1,
            "exclude_hosts": null,
            "host": "",
            "msg": null,
            "path": "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf",
            "port": null,
            "search_regex": null,
            "sleep": 1,
            "state": "started",
            "timeout": 600
    "msg": "Timeout when waiting for file /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf"

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT **********************************************************************************************************************************
    to retry, use: --limit @/root/kubespray_stg/scale.retry

SSH connectivity is good.

Tried increasing Time out in

/root/kubespry/roles/kubernetes/kubeadm/tasks/main.yml file but no luck.

-- saikrishna

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