408 kubernetes google cloud client


I have a google cloud kubernetes and i want to push my docker image.

My image is hello-world project with node + express + google cloud client libray @google-cloud/language

You can find it on my github


When I tried to push, i have this error

The push refers to repository [eu.gcr.io/innovation-xxx/hello] a419c4413fb0: Pushing [==================================================>] 61.12MB/61.12MB a5386aa0f20d: Pushing [==================================================>] 75.97MB/75.97MB 8104e9470102: Pushed 2fdedebbc077: Layer already exists 0804854a4553: Layer already exists 6bd4a62f5178: Layer already exists 9dfa40a0da3b: Layer already exists error parsing HTTP 408 response body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: "\n\n \n \n Error 408 (Request Timeout)!!1\n \n
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408. That’s an error.\n

Your client has taken too long to issue its request. That’s all we know.\n"

I used to push any project on my kubernetes but with google cloud client library, that doesn't work :(

However I don't have a proxy

Do you have some idea ?


-- nakata77fr

1 Answer


I would recommend that you perform some troubleshooting in order to capture any suspicious events generated from within your Docker daemon.

There might be an option to include the debug flag in your docker command. Thus it may log some more significant events when you're pushing the docker images to the container repository:

docker -l debug push eu.gcr.io/innovation-xxx/hello

However, you can always switch Docker daemon dockerd to the debug mode:

  • By adding appropriate "debug": true flag to daemon.json config file, the original path might be /etc/docker/daemon.json, of course docker service restart is required afterwards.

  • You can also start the Docker daemon manually by adjusting it with the special debug flag:

Stop your current docker service:

service docker stop

Launch dockerd in debug mode:

dockerd --debug

Try to push the image to Google container registry in a separate terminal window, inspecting the output for dockerd.

Do not forget to start docker service, once you finish debugging.

-- mk_sta
Source: StackOverflow