Approaches to multi-cloud kubernetes federation


I am a big fan of Kubernetes, since it's launch I have deployed many micro-services in GKE (as GKE is more mature managed kubernetes service in GCP).

All my micro-services are dispersed in hybrid-cloud (AWS & GCP) in a single region and multiple zones. My main DB is in AWS. As business requirements grew, now I need to migrate all the microservices to multiple regions and that leaves with keeping all the micro-services in one cloud (easy to scale and manage).

As I wanna use kubernetes which will give me ease to deploy and manage containers and also to scale.

We can go with the following options,

  1. If I wanna keep all my services in AWS then EKS does not support multi-regional / multi-cluster support yet. So, no there.

  2. And I can use GKE as it does support CLOUD Federation with GLBC. But, the problem with this is I need to migrate my main DB to GCP and that is a bit expensive in terms of time and cost.

So, is there any way, I scale my AWS DB in multiple regions and move all my services to GCP GKE and access DB from GCP for multiple regions? Or any other way to look at this problem? Thanks, guys let me know if you have more questions I can clarify.

-- NitinD

1 Answer


As an alternative option for multi-cloud implementation is to use Jelastic Multi-Cloud PaaS deployed across AWS and GCE regions and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters via unified UI and API.

-- Ruslan
Source: StackOverflow