Cannot install Istio in Kubernetes cluster


I have created a Kubernetes cluster in my PC (master + 2 nodes). Version is 1.13.2. Afterwards, I installed Istio using the guidelines in and (version is 1.0.5).

After checking the status of the pods, I see that the istio-pilot pod is always in status Pending, while some other pods fail as well. After several iterations, the result is always the same.

enter image description here

Initially the Master node has 2 cores/4 GB RAM and I increased it to 5 cores / 6 GB RAM, but the result is still the same. There are also 2 Worker nodes with 2 cores / 2 GB RAM each.

Any ideas what the problem could be?

-- dchar

1 Answer


most likely the pods that are failing could be stateful pods. can you check those manifests and update the volume to emptyDir

-- P Ekambaram
Source: StackOverflow