I am trying to install helm on a kubernetes cluster
I've downloaded •Linux amd64 Helm 2.12.3.
extracted the tar
tar -zxvf helm-v2.12.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
moved the file
mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
cd /usr/local/bin/helm
running ls produces
helm in green
helm help
produces helm: command not found
The Kubernetes package manager to begin working with HELM run the 'helm init' command and displays all of the flags and available commands
helm init
produces helm: command not found
Copy helm binary file to /bin directory, or you can add the current directory that folds helm to PATH as the previews answers.
You have to keep adding ./
in front of the command, or add /usr/local/bin
to your PATH variable.
include /usr/local/bin
to your PATH variable inside /etc/environment file