Import manually created K8s cluster into KOps


It's been sometime I've visited all the web pages carrying word "KOps import" but did not find a way to import my manually created K8s cluster. Manually created cluster means "Deployed Infra on AWS using Terraform and Kubernetes using Terraform's provisioner script as Shell script". Now as I see managing the environment manually is a pain, I look forward to move it under KOps. For that I have done the following so far:

  1. Installed aws cli, kubectl and kops in my local machine.

  2. Created KOps user with policies AmazonEC2FullAccess, AmazonRoute53FullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, IAMFullAccess, AmazonVPCFullAccess and generated access and secret keys.

  3. Configured credentials using aws configure.

  4. Created S3 bucket to store state.

  5. Set env variables like Region and Cluster name.

  6. Finally, ran kops import command as below:

    kops import cluster --region ${REGION} --name ${OLD_NAME}

But encountered below error:

Cluster.kops "jjm-prod-use1-kubernetes" not found


$ kops import cluster --region ${REGION} --name ${OLD_NAME} -v 10
I0131 16:32:12.059651   25683 factory.go:68] state store s3://kops-state-store-jjm
I0131 16:32:13.133145   25683 s3context.go:194] found bucket in region "us-east-1"
I0131 16:32:13.133174   25683 s3fs.go:220] Reading file "s3://kops-state-store-jjm/jjm-prod-use1-kubernetes/config"

Which made me serious about posting this question. Is there any possible way where a K8s cluster created except using can be brought under the control of KOps ? Please advise.

Note: There's no way I can re-create (destroy and create) the clusters as they are running in production.

EDIT: I know this can be achieved only the cluster was setup using But is there any other way ?

-- jagatjyoti

1 Answer


That is only possible with cluster bootstrapped via script as officialy announced in Kops documentation pages. Actually, has been excluded from the list of supported Kubernetes installation tools for AWS. Although, cluster composed by provides a lot of customization settings which are specifically applicable to AWS, the initial script uses environmental variables to define these settings. Therefore, I assume that it's quite hard to achieve in your case.

-- mk_sta
Source: StackOverflow