Backup of ignite stateful set in Kubernetes


I’m trying to come up with a strategy to backup data in my apache ignite cache hosted as a stateful set in google cloud Kubernetes. My ignite deployment uses ignite native persistence and runs a 3 node ignite cluster backed up by persistence volumes in Kubernetes. I’m using a binaryConfiguration to store binary objects in cache.

I’m looking for a reliable way to back up my ignite data and be able to restore it.

So far I’ve tried backing up just the persistence files and then restoring them back. It hasn’t worked reliably yet. The issue I’m facing is that after restore, the cache data which isn’t binary objects is restored properly, e.g. strings or numbers. I’m able to access numeric or string data just fine. But binary objects are not accessible. It seems the binary objects are restored, but I’m unable to fetch them.

The weird part is that after the restore, once I add a new binary object to the cache all the restored data seems to be accessed normally.

Can anyone please suggest a reliable way to back up and restore ignite native persistence data?

-- Chinmoymohanty85

2 Answers


Apache Ignite providers ACID transactions which are pretty reliable. The cache also uses its own mechanism for primary backups and copies and assuming you have its WAL enabled some stuff is kept in memory.

The most likely thing happening is that you do your restore and the moment you make an initial write memory starts populating allowing you to see what's on disk (cache). This is not really a supported restore mechanism (there isn't one in the docs) but it could work that way where after the restore you run a minor sample irrelevant write. I advise testing this thoroughly though.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow


You should either backup ${}/marshaller directory, or call ignite.binary().type(KeyOrValue.class) for every type you have in cache to prime binary marshaller.

-- alamar
Source: StackOverflow