Kubernetes on GKE how to write data on PVC with readonlymany mode


As I want to share my PVC with multiple pods I have created a PVC with Readonlymany mode on GKE. Now how to put the data on that disk which all the other pods can use. In the documentation it says that GKE only support Readwriteonce and Readonlymany. So how to put my read-only data on the disk which other pods can use

-- Amol

1 Answer


You’ll need to seed the disk with data another way - before you mount it inside your Pods.

Understanding more about what problem you want to solve will be helpful. If you truly need to write from multiple sources, then using Filestore (NFS) may address that: https://cloud.google.com/community/tutorials/gke-filestore-dynamic-provisioning

-- elithrar
Source: StackOverflow