I am able to run mongosqld locally and connect Tableau Desktop to my mongo database. The mongo database is running as pod in Amazon EKS. However when I create a pod for the mongodb bi connector and run the mongosqld command inside the pod, I am not able to connect Tableau Desktop to my mongo database pods. I do have a LoadBalancer for the mongodb bi connector and I am able to ping the loadbalancer. I am new to K8 and I am not sure how to troubleshoot this.
This is the command I used:
mongosqld --mongo-uri "mongodb://internal-somerandommongouri.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com:27017/?connect=direct" --mongo-username username --mongo-password password --auth --addr
Below is my load balancer yaml config
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mongodb-bi-connector
namespace: default
name: mongodb-bi-connector
port: 3307
targetPort: 3307
role: mongodb-bi-connector
type: LoadBalancer
Here is the error message from Tableau Desktop:
An error occurred while communicating with MongoDB BI Connector.
The connection to the data source might have been lost. [MySQL][ODBC 5.3(w) Driver]Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0 Unable to connect to the MongoDB BI Connector server "internal-somerandommongouri.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com". Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database.