Set Configure Kubernetes scheduler interval?


I use k8s to run large compute Jobs (to completion). There are not many jobs nor nodes in my setup so scale is small.

I noticed that the scheduler do not start a pod immediately when a node is available. It takes between 5 to 40 seconds for a pod to be scheduled once node is ready.

Is there a way to make the scheduler more "aggressive"? I cant find a setting for the interval in Default Scheduler custom policy. Is implementing my own scheduler the only way forward? Any tips appreciated!

-- Magnum

1 Answer


There is difference between pod scheduling and pod creation. Scheduler only find suitable node and schedule pod to that node but pod creation done by kubelet.

Kubelet polls api-server for desired state and get newly scheduled pod spec and then create pod.

So this process can take time you Specfied in question.

So i dont think writing custom scheduler help here.

-- Rajesh Deshpande
Source: StackOverflow