easy way to generate & manage ssl certificate manager kubernetes?


I want to generate SSL certificate automatically on Kubernetes. My site is already up and running but it is on HTTP:// not on HTTPS:// so which is the best way to provide them and generate the SSL certificate automatically.

I am new to k8s and learning. If the first time I manually install it then also the next time if the pod gets recreated the certificate will be deleted.

So suggest me easy way to manage certificate manager on K8s

-- Harsh Manvar

1 Answer


A few of options I can think of:

  1. You can try the certificate manager with Letsencrypt certificates.
  2. You can try an a Kubernetes Ingress with an ingress controller like nginx also with Letsencrypt and this described here.
  3. You can try a Traefik ingress controller also with Letsencrypt.
-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow