how to restart container instead of deleting pod and recreate?


There are cases when you want to restart a specific container instead of deleting the pod and letting Kubernetes recreate it.

i am having one pod running apache container. i did editing in apache config file. for SSL certificate virtual host port changes etc.

now i want to restart apache2 service but without recreating pod.

i tried inside pod with

service apache2 restart

but it also recreate pod and configuration also change again.

-- Harsh Manvar

2 Answers


check this

You can also create a new dockerfile for override the apache dockerfile and change de CMD line, but it's more complicated

-- Kilian
Source: StackOverflow


This is not how it supposed to work.

You should not change anything inside the POD. If your POD dies or crushes, Kubernetes should just start a new one and everything should work. Also keep in mind that you cannot scale the POD that had configuration altered.

Please check the Kubernetes docs Configure a Pod to Use a ConfigMap

You can use ConfigMap to create configuration file.

ConfigMaps allow you to decouple configuration artifacts from image content to keep containerized applications portable. This page provides a series of usage examples demonstrating how to create ConfigMaps and configure Pods using data stored in ConfigMaps.

ConfigMap can be created and read a content of a file :

$ kubectl create configmap config_data --from-file=config_data.txt

or it can be declared in .yml

  name: config_data
  version: v1

Also this might be done by creating a secret or secret can be declared:

    username: my-username
    password: my-password
  name: secret_data
  version: v1

I recommend reading Kubernetes recipe: store nginx config with ConfigMap and reverse-proxy requests from your domain to your Github page.

There are also other options like mounting path with needed configuration on new POD. I advice you to check Configure a Pod to Use a PersistentVolume for Storage

-- Crou
Source: StackOverflow