I couldn't find useful information from:
gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME
or from
gcloud container node-pools describe POOL_NAME --cluster CLUSTER_NAME
It is easy to scale up/down using gcloud
tool though:
gcloud container clusters resize [CLUSTER_NAME] --node-pool [POOL_NAME] \
--size [SIZE]
But how can I know beforehand what is the size of my node-pool?
I do not agree with the current answer because it only gives the total size of the cluster.
The question is about node-pools. I actually needed to find out the size of a pool so I give you my best shot after many hours of searching and thinking.
read -p 'Cluster name: ' CLUSTER_NAME
read -p 'Pool name: ' POOL_NAME
gcloud compute instance-groups list \
| grep "^gke-$CLUSTER_NAME-$POOL_NAME" \
| awk '{print $6}';
The gcloud
command returns 6 columns: 1-name, 6-group-size. The name of the instance group is predictable which lets me filter by that line with grep
. Lastly, select the 6th column.
Hope this helps someone else save some time.
For some reason I overlooked the not-so-obviuos from Migrating workloads to different machine types
kubectl get nodes -l cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool=$POOL_NAME -o=name \
| wc -l
You should use the following command:
gcloud container clusters describe <cluster name> --zone <zone-cluster>
Check for the field currentNodeCount