Resolving Kubernetes services by name across clusters on GKE


Would a service in cluster a calling a service be-service be able to resolve to pod in cluster b under some networking setups?

enter image description here

Thanks, Brent

-- brent

2 Answers


This (resolving services by name across clusters) doesn't exist today.

However, take a look at Setting up clusters with shared VPC documentation to learn more about how you can have multiple clusters in the same VPC, so you can access a service in another cluster through its IP address.

Similarly, GKE supports Internal load balancing which makes your cluster's services accessible to applications outside of your cluster (like a GCE VM) that use the same VPC network and that are located in the same GCP region.

-- AhmetB - Google
Source: StackOverflow


You can use Internal Load Balancers to make a service running on GKE to be reached from other GCE VMs or other GKE clusters in the same network.

In order to resolve a pod you need to use VPC-native clusters

-- John Mathew
Source: StackOverflow