HAProxy with Kubernetes in a DR setup


We have Kubernetes setup hosted on premises and are trying to allow clients outside of K8s to connect to services hosted in the K8s cluster.

In order to make this work using HA Proxy (which runs outside K8s), we have the HAProxy backend configuration as follows -

   backend vault-backend
   server k8s-worker-1 worker1:32200 check
   server k8s-worker-2 worker2:32200 check
   server k8s-worker-3 worker3:32200 check

Now, this solution works, but the worker names and the corresponding nodePorts are hard-coded in this config, which obviously is inconvenient as and when more workers are added (or removed/changed).

We came across the HAProxy Ingress Controller (https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy_ingress_controller_for_kubernetes/) which sounds promising, but (we feel) effectively adds another HAProxy layer to the mix..and thus, adds another failure point.

Is there a better solution to implement this requirement?

-- mmukhe

1 Answer


Now, this solution works, but the worker names and the corresponding nodePorts are hard-coded in this config, which obviously is inconvenient as and when more workers are added (or removed/changed).

You can explicitly configure the NodePort for your Kubernetes Service so it doesn't pick a random port and you always use the same port on your external HAProxy:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: <my-nodeport-service>
    <my-label-key>: <my-label-value>
    <my-selector-key>: <my-selector-value>
  type: NodePort
   - port: <service-port>
     nodePort: 32200

We came across the HAProxy Ingress Controller (https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy_ingress_controller_for_kubernetes/) which sounds promising, but (we feel) effectively adds another HAProxy layer to the mix..and thus, adds another failure point.

You could run the HAProxy ingress inside the cluster and remove the HAproxy outside the cluster, but this really depends on what type of service you are running. The Kubernetes Ingress is Layer 7 resource, for example. The DR here would be handled by having multiple replicas of your HAProxy ingress controller.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow