keep docker image in private docker registry in helm chart


I just need to know whether it is possible to keep a docker image which is in a private repository in helm chart rather than keeping a reference to docker registry ?


What I am trying to do is pakage a deployed service in a kurbenets cluster using helm and use the service in a different kurbenate ckuster. To my knowledge, reference to docker an image is stored in the helm chart. So what I am asking is, is there any possibility to pass the docker image itself rather than passing reference to docker registry in helm chart.

need your guidance.

-- Kasun Palihakkara

1 Answer


If docker image is in the private repo, you need to create imagePullSecret to store credentials to this repo. Then your packaged helm chart will know where to find this docker image and will be able to pull it.

-- Anna Slastnikova
Source: StackOverflow