How does KubeConfig file is used?


When we setup a kubernetes master using kubeadm init . At the end of the procedure we have to copy the /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf to $home/.kube/config .

When I opened the file , I found the below details .

  • certificate authority data
  • client certificate data
  • client key data

I am aware the file is used for authentication when we try to access cluster using kubectl .

What I am trying to understand is from where these details are generated ? .

-- Balakumar Ezhilmaran

1 Answer


You have two options - Use the automatically generated certificates if you have installed k8s with kubeadm - Create your own certificates.

Once you have the certificates, you can follow these steps to manually configure them To create your own CA certificates, there are many google links and here is one for your reference. If you are new to this, I would suggest you start with "A Single-level CA"

-- Sushant Sonker
Source: StackOverflow