I am using traefik version 1.7.7
as an ingress controller in a kubernetes cluster version 1.11.5
Each time I perform a rolling upgrade of a Deployment of one of my backend, Traefik generates a 502 error (mostly only one) with the following error when I set Traefik in debug mode.
{"level":"debug","msg":"'502 Bad Gateway' caused by: read tcp\u003e172.21.63.132:3000: read: connection reset by peer","time":"2019-01-17T14:32:37Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"vulcand/oxy/forward/http: Round trip:, code: 502, Length: 11, duration: 623.180762ms","time":"2019-01-17T14:32:37Z"}
Is there anything I can do to avoid those 502?