Is there a way to enable IPVS proxy-mode on GKE cluster?


I want to try this new proxy mode and the various schedulers it has for some of our apps. So far I've been unable to find a way to change the default mode iptables to ipvs on GKE nodes.

Everywere says to pass --proxy-mode=ipvs to kube-proxy, but that does not make sense on "elastic/dynamic" deployments as GKE, new nodes would not take those changes.

I've also seen here: that "GCE scripts" (which I don't really know what those are) support setting up KUBE_PROXY_MODE=ipvs environment variable, but I cannot find a way to pass env variables to node pools at creation time via gcloud or web interface.

Any idea if this is even possible ? (by the way I'm using version 1.11.6-gke.2)

-- Paco Esteban

1 Answer


There is no support for IPVS on GKE . You can create your own cluster using Google Compute Engine instances and modify every aspect of your cluster as you want. You can use Kubeadm or even refer to the Kubernetes The Hard Way repository by Kelsey Hightower.

-- ozrlz
Source: StackOverflow