Is there any way to monitor Resource Health for Azure Kubernetes Service using an API


I am trying to monitor Azure Services using their supported Resource Health APIs. Apparently for Azure Kubernetes Service, this is not supported. Is it possible to check the availability of this Service using an api ? Thanks.

-- e.b

2 Answers


Azure Monitor now support to monitor the Azure Container Service(AKS). You can see the Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters that the Azure Monitor support for AKS. Also, you can get all the service that Supported metrics with Azure Monitor.

-- Charles Xu
Source: StackOverflow


No, AKS is not integrated with Azure Resource Health yet, but it is on our roadmap for the next 6 months (I'm the lead PM for AKS).

In the interim, the only alternative would be to ping the Kubernetes API server for the cluster. If the API server is responsive and all the nodes in the cluster are in a Ready state, you can consider the cluster healthy.

-- Sean McKenna
Source: StackOverflow