How to remove node mirror pod creation only?


Did someone already get this error : pods "k8s-debian9-charming-but-youthful-merkle" is forbidden: pod does not have "" annotation, node "k8s-uk1-node-002" can only create mirror pods ?

Why the node is configured to create only mirror pods ? How to unconfigure this ? Is this RBAC policies ?

I created the kubernetes cluster with terraform and ansible on an openstack, with kubespray

Any help is welcome, thanks by advance, Greg

-- Greg

2 Answers


I was facing this error and realized (after a couple of hours) that the environment variable, KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST was set incorrectly.

-- Lee Gaines
Source: StackOverflow


The NodeRestriction admission plugin is responsible for enforcing that limitation, to prevent nodes from creating pods that expand their access to resources like serviceaccounts and secrets unrelated to their existing workloads

-- Jordan Liggitt
Source: StackOverflow