OSSEC_HIDS Kubernetes Deployment


Which would be the best HIDS (HostBase Intrusion Detection System) to deploy on Kubernetes Google Cloud Platform

I want to build docker image on debian:stable-slim

So I have been testing the ossec-docker and wazuh-docker here are repos respectively:

  1. OSSEC: https://github.com/Atomicorp/ossec-docker
  2. WAZUH: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-docker

The wazuh-api=3.7.2-1 is broken as I am unable to get it install on debian:stable-slim

with nodejs: 6.10.0 or higher as it needs nodejs version >=4.6.0 but api is unable to install

I would need to know if anyone can suggest HostBase Intrusion Detection system which I can configure and deploy on docker/ Kubernetes If you have any github repo link would really appreciate the link

-- D. Naik

1 Answer


Wazuh has a repository for Kubernetes. Right now, it is focused on AWS, but I think you just need to change the volumes configuration (it is implemented for AWS EBS) and it should work in GCP.

-- jesuslinares
Source: StackOverflow