Nginx Ingress IP Pending on Ubuntu Kubernetes


We have a virtual machine with Ubuntu Server We have used this tutorial to install lxd and we have used this tutorial to install kubernetes.

Now we want to install Rancher regarding this tutorial (it works fine on Docker for Desktop on Windows) on this ubuntu machine.

The problem is: we stuck on the nginx-ingress part. Nginx does not get any IP, state will be pending forever. I already tried to set rbac.create=true (which is already set in the helm chart defaults); but I cannot figure out what's wrong here and why the nginx-ingress does not get any IP on the ubuntu kubernetes cluster.

What we have missed? Thanks

-- Ben

1 Answer


Take look at Here.
I think you should change service type of nginx-ingress-controller service to NodePort to solve the pending problem. As default nginx-ingress-controller service type is Loadbalancer and you have to have an external load balancer to use this type of service. on Cloud Providers like AWS or GKE it is OK but on bare metal you have to use other types of services like NodePort.
Also if you use NodePort and you need to serve on port 80/443 you will need a reverse proxy out of your cluster.

-- Mozafar Gholami
Source: StackOverflow