I am using maven jib plugin to dockerize my Spring boot based application.
I use the following command to run in Kubernetes. Snippet from Kubernetes deployment yaml file.
- args:
- -c
- java -cp /app/libs/*:/app/resources/:/app/classes/ -Xmx2g -Xms2g com.test.Application
- /bin/sh
image: ....
It runs fine. I am confused on running the samething using docker.
I tried the below command, But, it is not picking the applicaiton.properties file. I have my application.properties under /local/path/config folder.
docker run IMAGE /bin/bash -c "java -cp /app/libs/*:/app/resources/:/app/classes/ -Xmx2g -Xms2g com.test.Application --spring.config.location=/config/application.properties" -v /local/path/config:/config/