How to check a feature-gate state in GKE


How to check a feature-gate state in GKE. The closes thing I found was doing:

kubectl cluster-info dump | grep feature-gate

but this only shows the flags of the nodes, not the master. Are they the same?

The reason I'm asking is the following: It's not very clear if CustomResourcesSubresources feature-gate is now beta or alpha and enabled by default or not. I’m confused as the PR here ( ) seems like it is beta since 1.11, but the documentation states ( ) that it’s still alpha and disabled by default (edited)

-- alexvanboxel

1 Answer


Masters are the same except it are managed by Google. The links you posted are Kubernetes specific.

Since there is no direct way to check for feature-gate states other than the method you shown, I went ahead and created a feature request to better handle that situation. You may also add further information in the thread.

-- dany L
Source: StackOverflow