Using minikube to pull image from local Docker registry (with self-signed CA certificate)


Using minikube to pull image from local Docker registry (with self-signed CA certificate)

I'd like to be able to run minikube so that it can access a local docker registry using a self signed CA certificate. Ideally the process should be automated so that I can use a *deployment.yaml file to pull the required image without intervention.

At the moment I'm using a workaroud as follows:

#ssh into the minikube instance
sudo minikube ssh
#create a folder for the certificate
sudo mkdir /etc/docker/certs.d/dave.local:5000
#copy the crt file from the registry computer to the minikube instance
sudo scp user@ /etc/docker/certs.d/dave.local:5000
#then check login
docker login dave.local:5000
#then pull image so that it's already in minikube
docker pull dave.local:5000/davedockerimage

I then edit the *deployment.yaml with imagePullPolicy: Never . When I then run sudo kubectl create -f dave-deployment.yamlit finds dave.local:5000/davedockerimagelocally on minikube it uses the already pulled image.

If imagePullPolicy: Always . The image pull fails in minikube.

I've been through a range of tutorials/stack overflow answers and have been unable to crack this. Any help appreciated.

-- tmn103

1 Answer


As a alternative for using self signed certificate in minikube you can start minikube with insecure-registry option like below:

minikube start --insecure-registry="dave.local:5000"
-- Hansika Madushan Weerasena
Source: StackOverflow