AKS Upgrade "Operation failed with status: 200. Details: Resource state Failed"


I recently upgrade my aks service (using Azure Portal) from version v1.9.9 to 1.10.9 but I got this error "Deployment failed. Correlation ID: f19ecf06-205e-4ddb-aeef-de6f6488abd3. Operation failed with status: 200. Details: Resource state Failed.

After that error, my cluster version seems to be 1.10.9 but cluster node version stills be v1.9.9.

How can I revert this status and get my cluster online?

-- Marcos Héctor Trotti

1 Answer


Your issue could be related to this GitHub issue. It says that AKS can go into failed state if the core quota limit exceeded. You will have to create and deploy a new cluster and then try upgrading from CLI instead of Portal as it seems that CLI shows the descriptive error if it is because of core quota limit exceeded.

-- Karishma Tiwari - MSFT
Source: StackOverflow