Which are the best suitable volume types in kubernetes to store host configuration?


Can we use single volume across multiple Nodes in read-only manner and that way save on the storage required for hosting Configuration in kubernetes. If yes then which is the best sutaible volume type for same?

-- Sagardevd

2 Answers


The best way to manage configuration in Kubernetes is by creating a ConfigMap objects and mounting them as volumes/folders into pods.

Mounting ConfigMap as volumes: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap/#add-configmap-data-to-a-volume

Good luck.

-- Ofir Makmal
Source: StackOverflow


Not sure what do you mean by single volume but, you can use persistentVolumeClaim which should be created with Access Modes ReadOnlyMany

  • ReadOnlyMany – the volume can be mounted read-only by many nodes

You need to keep in mind that not all Types of Persistent Volumes are available in that Access Mode

-- Crou
Source: StackOverflow