Does Helm have a limit to the size of its history?


The command helm history prints a list of the past revisions for a release. Is there a limit to the size of this history? i.e. a number n such that if there are n + 1 revisions then the first revision is no longer available? I'm aware of the max flag for the helm history command which limits the length of the list returned, so this question could be equivalently asked as: does the max flag have a limit for its value?

This is in the context of wanting to do a helm rollback - that command requires a revision and I want to confirm that there will never be a problem with Helm forgetting old revisions.


-- jvs

1 Answer


Yes. It does have a limit, if you look at the source code (also here) you see that it's defined as an int32 in Golang.

Then, if you look at the int32 docs for the builtin-types you see that it's range is -2147483648 through 2147483647. In theory, you can specify --max on the helm command line as a positive number so 2147483647 would be your limit. (Surprisingly, I don't see where the absolute value for the int32 gets generated)

The releaseInfo structure has a memory footprint, so if you have a lot of releases you will run into a limit depending on how much memory you have on your system.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow