Create custom helm charts


I'm using helm charts to create deploy micro services, by executing helm create it creates basic chart with deployment, services and ingress but I have few other configurations such as horizontal pod autoscaler, pod disruption budget.

what I do currently copy the yaml and change accordingly, but this takes lot of time and I don't see this as a (correct way/best practice) to do it.

helm create <chartname>

I want to know how you can create helm charts and have your extra configurations as well.

-- Jack

1 Answer


Bitnami's guide to creating your first helm chart describes helm create as "the best way to get started" and says that "if you already have definitions for your application, all you need to do is replace the generated YAML files for your own". The approach is also suggested in the official helm docs and the chart developer guide. So you are acting on best advice.

It would be cool if there were a wizard you could use to take existing kubernetes yaml files and make a helm chart from them. One tool like this that is currently available is chartify. It is listed on helm's related projects page (and I couldn't see any others that would be relevant).

-- Ryan Dawson
Source: StackOverflow