How to auto scale Kubernetes worker nodes on AWS


Currently, I am working on AWS, ASG (AutoScale Group) and Kubernetes. In the infra, I created one Kubernetes cluster in which there is one master node and another one is a Worker node.

Now my question in case high traffic volume I used the HPA at pod level but it might also possible that this node is not able to handle all the requests.

So in this case, will ASG will create a new node or not. If no then can someone suggest be the best way for horizontal scaling at the node level.


-- Still Learning

1 Answer


You can do a couple of things:

  • Setup Dynamic scaling for your ASG to autoscale based on CloudWatch metrics (CPU, Mem) or your own metrics with your own automation.

  • Use the Kubernetes cluster autoscaler so that it autoscales based on not having enough pod capacity on your nodes.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow