I've rolled out the Traefik Ingress Controller on my AKS Cluster (Kubernetes) on Azure. I've got the TOML file talking to the POD, but I receive the following on the logs:
ime="2018-12-21T00:09:36Z" level=error msg="Failed to read new account, ACME data conversion is not available : permissions 755 for certs are too open, please use 600" time="2018-12-21T00:09:36Z" level=error msg="Unable to add ACME provider to the providers list: unable to get ACME account : permissions 755 for certs are too open, please use 600"
I have resolved this before in a docker environment where I simply chmod 600 the directory in question. However, I can't do that as I don't have direct access to the underlying storage.
If I open a shell to the container, the system and try to chmod that way the system tells me its a read only filesystem.
Any help is really appreciated.
Rutnet solved the issue by deploing a custom Traefik container which includes the required permissions.