Run a container on a pod failure Kubernetes


I have a cronjob that runs and does things regularly. I want to send a slack message with the technosophos/slack-notify container when that cronjob fails.

Is it possible to have a container run when a pod fails?

-- Red 5

3 Answers


There is nothing built in for this that i am aware of. You could use a web hook to get notified when a pod changes and look for state stuff in there. But you would have to build the plumbing yourself or look for an existing third party tool.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow


Pods and Jobs are different things. If you want to wait for a job that has failed and send an email after it has, you can do something like this in bash:

while true
  kubectl wait --for=condition=failed job/myjob
  kubectl run --image=technosophos/slack-notify --env=""
-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow


To the question: Is it possible to have a container run when a pod fails?

Yes , although there is nothing out of the box right now , but you can define a health check.

Then you can write a cron job , or a Jenkins job , or a custom kubernetes cluster service/controller that checks/probes that health check regularly and if the health check fails then you can run a container based on that.

-- Ijaz Ahmad Khan
Source: StackOverflow