What should the URL be for Readiness and Liveness Probe Endpoints?


Should I use URL's at the root of my application like so:


Should they both be grouped together like so:


Should I use RFC5785 and put them under the .well-known sub-directory like so:


If I do this, my understanding is that I have to register the status assignment with the official IANA registry.

Or is there some other scheme? I'm looking for a common convention that people use.

-- Muhammad Rehan Saeed

2 Answers


The Kubernetes docs use /healthz, which I'd say is advisable to follow; but you really can use whatever you want.

I believe healthz is used to keep it inline with zpages, which are described by OpenCensus:


-- Rawkode
Source: StackOverflow


AFAIK, you can use whatever you want and it's whatever you put in your application. If you have a way in your application to differentiate between "Ready" and "Alive". Either one of these using a GET request works:




Note that generally 'alive' means that your app has come up and 'ready' means that your app is ready to serve traffic.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow