How to upload the Airflow dags(workflows) without going through kubectl?


I've been using the kubectl to upload Airflow workflows to the kubernetes (/usr/local/airflow/dags) manually. It is possible to do this without using the kubectl? by using a python script? or something else? If it's possible would you be able to share your source? or your python script? Thanks, Appreciate

-- Mihail

1 Answer


This totally depends on your setup. E.G. We use AWS and so we have the DAGs syncing from an S3 bucket path every 5 minutes. We just put dags into S3. I see that some Kubernetes setups use a kind of shared volume defined by a git repository, that might also work. Airflow itself (the webserver(s), worker(s), nor scheduler) does not offer any hook to upload into the DAG directory.

-- dlamblin
Source: StackOverflow