Troubleshooting ingress on kubernetes


I deployed ingress controller to my kubernetes cluster. However when i'm trying to access the pod i get HTTP 503. So i've tried to find the problem by accessing ingress controller's logs:

kubectl logs controllername-nginx-ingress-controller-6f486779b5-dnm8k -n kube-system

the piece of the log file that i'm interested in, looks like this: - [] - - [10/Dec/2018:16:54:12 +0000] "GET /identity HTTP/2.0" 503 599 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Safari/537.36" 271 0.000 [] - - - - d7f7ffd22d584e4a5da2b0fa2fae5665

as you can see i see absolutely nothing interesting there. I'm wondering if it's the entire log message as i see a bunch of dashes and a guid value at the end.

Next i decided to enrich ingress' logfiles:

kubectl edit deploy -n kube-system controllername-nginx-ingress-controller

deployment document shows up and i want to add extra line to args section:

      - args:
        - /nginx-ingress-controller
        - --v=5     < ------------ this line
        - other arguments here

once i close the deployment document i see this message:

error: deployments "misty-marmot-nginx-ingress-controller" is invalid

so what i'm doing wrong? is the log message really complete, in the current form it doesn't describe the error one bit. also why i can't change the logging level?

-- skyrunner

1 Answer


The problem has appeared due to a formatting issue of editing nginx-ingress-controller Kubernetes resource and was successfully fixed as well. However, even though for the common researches by the community contributors I would recommend to take a look at the general Troubleshooting guideline for any related Kubernetes cluster issues and steps how to resolve them.

-- mk_sta
Source: StackOverflow